Parallel to the development of information –
communication technologies, the Internet, wireless
networks, production networks, developed and industrial
production which experienced a strong and profound
changes. Factories have become more flexible than ever to
complex modern market turbulence. Modern concepts of
production systems require vertical and horizontal
integration of all participants in the production process.
This integration determines the foundation of a new,
radical change in the mode of production by German
industrialists called the industry is 4.0. In this, the smart
production environment, structuring the smart factory.
Smart factory is a production solution in a flexible and
efficient way should be to meet the needs of today's
market, and achieves integration between the various
industrial and non-industrial partners who build dynamic,
and very often and virtual organizations. This type of
integration, linking the physical components of the
production system and digital, abstract, virtual components
into a single system called cyber – physical production
systems. Systems are the backbone for the smart factory.
Cyber – physical systems of production will be structured
so that they can respond to almost any change in the
market in time within really smart factories, but also
beyond its borders. This not only makes production faster
and in accordance with the specific requirements of
individual customers, but also allows to production
processes within the company are optimized through a
network of global cooperation, adaptive and evolutionary
and self – organizing. The potential for savings and
innovation in these production systems and production
operators is huge. Implementation of cyber – physical
production systems in smart factories providing
management with real – time, which is one of the
fundamental principles of a new era in the sphere of
industrial production.

Production of new generation should be adjusted to
changeable conditions and issues put before it.
Optimization of plant operations will be implemented
by improving and speeding up communications.
Starting points are the solutions offered by a vision of
"smart environment" for production.
Based on this, in the book "Smart Factory", smart
factory is defined as factory workers and machinery
related to the execution of their tasks.
People today are surrounded by a lot of things that we
call smart things. Almost everyone has a smart –
phone, some people have smart homes, which
are connected to smart grids. The South Korean
government in collaboration with local industry has
seven initiated projects to build smart cities.
In order to create a large-scale smart system smart
devices are used. The term smart (often used to
mark intelligence) seems to be applicable in different
contexts, because its meaning with respect to objects
is not yet clearly defined.
Smart, in some contexts, refers to an independent
device, which usually consists of the sensor, and / or to
activate the microprocessor and transceiver.
However, adjective smart is used to characterize and
that contributes to the implementation of additional
meanings, which introduced multi-platform
communication and increase its computing capacity.
Intelligence is revealed through cooperation in networks
with other smart devices, which have the possibility to
check the system updates and decide whether to act on
them or not. Such a network is called smart grid.
They may find a reference to smart objects, as objects
that have the ability to connect the stored data, as well
as offer access to it for human or machines needs. There
are so much smart products that are equipped with
memory options that they can be understood as a kind
of living product

The term smart factory is used in industry practically
and scientifically, although there is no consistent
definition. There are several other terms used for this
purpose: U – Factory (ubiquitous factory), the
factory of things, the factory in real time frame,
 or the intelligent factory of the future.
Scientists use the term smart manufacturing
technology, the approach, or paradigm.
All the terms and concepts above are very promising
prospects for the upcoming technological
development. However, although the engineers and
scientists are constantly working on these terms, they
remain just a vision. Despite all, this success story is
a long and winding road that goes into a
multidimensional problem to solve, before you are
able to be a part of this vision of the smart factory in
reality. Zuehlke estimates that the development of
technology will last for at least 5-10 years.
Smart Factory,
Based on the analysis of the future production literature,
characteristics that are desirable for smart factory would
relate to the flexibility and re – configurability, low cost
and changeability, agility and slenderness. One way to
achieve some of these functionalities is apply
modularity with respect to the application of the
product/ process technology and organization.
Based on this, we propose a conceptual definition, [23]:
A Smart Factory is a manufacturing solution that
provides such flexible and adaptive production
processes that will solve problems arising on a
production facility with dynamic and rapidly changing
boundary conditions in a world of increasing
complexity. This special solution could on the one hand
be related to automation, understood as a combination
of software, hardware and/or mechanics, which should
lead to optimization of manufacturing resulting in
reduction of unnecessary labour and waste of resource.
On the other hand, it could be seen in a perspective of
collaboration between different industrial and
nonindustrial partners, where the smartness comes from
forming a dynamic organization.
With the rapid development of Internet technology
and network systems it is possible to think, but it is
also opened the way for the development of
intelligent machines that will in some time have the
ability to think, learn, remember and in a given
moment share that amount of knowledge, or react in
certain situations. Regardless, what now sounds
abstract, it is expected that the smart machines in the
near future will shape jobs, manufacturing processes
and production systems.